7 World's Famous Drinks

7 World's Famous Drinks

Hi all. After a rather long time no update, now I make a new article on my blog. Maybe this info is a lot but I try to write on my blog. Hopefully the readers may like this article. This time I wrote about 7 world's famous drinks. Every human needs a drink. Without drinks we definitely will feel thirsty. Beverage in the world isvery diverse . In many parts of the world is different because of different traditions that exist. The drink may have long existed and became the nation's traditional drink. The following 7 drinks at the world famous:

01. Mojito, Cuba
Traditional drink from Cuba has developed into one of America's favorite beverage. Original concoction of rum, mint leaves, carbonated water, juices and canned sweet. However, in recent times racikannya been modified by the addition of fruits like blueberries, raspberries, peaches and pomegranates.

02. Sake, Japan and China
Sake is closely related to the aristocracy. Water-based beverage of fermented rice is often served with sushi or other Asian snacks. Sake is delicious served warm or cold, usually presented in sakazuki (small cup flat, like a sauce), ochoko (tiny cup), or placed in a masu (wooden box). Sake is also often used in traditional ceremonies of Japan.

03. Pisco Sour, Peru and Chile
Liquor was the result of filtering grapes, produced in Peru and Chile. These drinks are combined with brandy, syrup, lemon juice, and egg white. Usually served in a glass of wine first model. In Chile, the drink is sometimes mixed with coke in the presentation.

04. Brennivin, Iceland

If you can sip this drink without wincing, you're stronger than most people of Iceland have ever tasted. Scandinavian liquor made ​​from fermented potatoes soft, and plant seeds. These drinks are usually accompany two delicious nan antique dishes like rotted shark meat (a decomposed shark meat then baked and dried in the sun to dry so that the poison is lost) and hakarl (fermented shark meat).

05. Soju, South Korea and Japan
Soju, other Asian beverages that also are the result of the fermented rice water. These drinks contain alcohol less than 35%, as determined by local government regulations. According to custom, these drinks typically consumed rollicking and you should not fill your own glass, there must be other people who poured it for you. When you begin to drink from your cup, you also have to spend it until the last drop.

06. Negroni, Italy
Italy is famous for its wine drink, was also famous for sweet cocktails. Alcoholic beverages is a combination of vermouth (a type of white wine or slightly yellow color), gin and Campari. Usually, this drink is served with lemon or orange peel in it.

07. Sangria, Spain and Portugal
Although originating from Spain, but this drink is more popular among foreign tourists than among the original inhabitants. Sweet wine blended with fruit mixture is the original recipe of this drink. Usually, this drink is served in a glass of wine with citrus fruit that is floating on the surface.

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